utilities.iowadot.gov - /Willys Misc FTP Folder/WWD Clips/WWD45/

[To Parent Directory]

11/6/2023 8:39 AM <dir> 20230827 to 20231027 Alarms during Construction
10/28/2023 12:14 PM 3968917 20231028_12-13-18_c1_id19_file4036_0 (SB Gator - Curbed it).mp4
10/28/2023 12:44 PM 3452821 20231028_12-43-46_c1_id20_file4037_0 (NB went WWD whole length b4 U-Turn).mp4
10/28/2023 1:57 PM 2596137 20231028_13-56-50_c1_id21_file4038_0 (Trapped - Went back).mp4
10/29/2023 4:21 PM 2347305 20231029_16-20-16_c1_id22_file4039_0 (Trapped - Curbed it).mp4
11/12/2023 8:45 AM <dir> 20231101 (Sometime during the day) RCI Opened for EB to NB
11/12/2023 8:55 AM 696250 20231104_21-35-35-20231104_21-35-59 (SB went into WB into turn lane to do U-Turn).mp4
11/12/2023 8:24 AM 374224 20231105 (Crash from Axis Camera View) D1TV126_11-5-2023_5-21-17 PM.asf
11/12/2023 8:26 AM 8044114 20231105 (Crash from Bosch Camera View) _17-15-25-20231105_17-16-25.mp4
11/6/2023 12:14 AM 18251401 20231105_23-05-23_c1_id41_file4058_0 (NB Tried it - But Stopped and did U-Turn.mp4
11/12/2023 9:54 PM 29166269 20231106_18-18-35-20231106_18-22-30 (SB vehicle tried to go across - Stopped - and was almost hit head on before going WB.mp4
11/10/2023 6:12 PM 10473509 20231108_07-22-40-20231108_07-24-00 (SB vehicle went down EB Turn Lane to make U-Turn to go EB).mp4
11/12/2023 9:01 AM 8918845 20231111_21-37-25-20231111_21-38-35 (SB vehicle went down EB Turn Lane to make U-Turn to go EB).mp4
11/13/2023 1:12 AM 18923965 20231113_00-02-03_c1_id79_file4085_0 (SB vehicle went down EB Turn Lane to make U-Turn to go EB).mp4
11/13/2023 9:13 PM 18185985 20231113_20-06-01_c1_id81_file4087_0 (EB ML Driver did not know how to turn left-(north).mp4
11/18/2023 3:46 PM 19348725 20231118_14-41-03_c1_id99_file4097_0 (SB Driver did not know how to go east. Did U-Turn and eventually figured it out).mp4
11/24/2023 9:59 AM 19246621 20231124_08-53-54_c1_id108_file4104_0 (NB Driver used the WB to SB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/1/2023 2:27 PM 20419689 20231201_13-23-17_c1_id111_file4107_0 (NB Driver used the WB to SB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/2/2023 11:20 PM 18325321 20231202_22-11-00_c1_id112_file4108_0 (NB Driver used some of WB to SB turn lane, but stopped U-turn went back to componse).mp4
12/3/2023 11:29 AM 18764113 20231203_10-20-46_c1_id113_file4109_0 (SB Driver crossed and started going WB in turn lane - Stopped U-turn to and used ML).mp4
12/4/2023 2:30 AM 18566181 20231204_01-19-32_c1_id115_file4111_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/8/2023 4:14 PM 19501065 20231208_15-08-43_c1_id118_file4114_0 (NB Driver used the WB to SB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/9/2023 5:30 PM 20477737 20231209_16-26-29_c1_id119_file4115_0 (NB Driver uses SOME of the WB to Wb turn lane - Stops - drives to ML the rest of the .mp4
12/10/2023 2:44 AM 18785797 20231210_01-31-20_c1_id120_file4116_0 (Some sort of animal crossing US 20 - either a dog or coyote or similar.mp4
12/10/2023 6:22 AM 18755457 20231210_05-10-56_c1_id121_file4117_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn lane the whole wdistance to get across).mp4
12/12/2023 11:40 PM 18721969 20231212_22-31-26_c1_id122_file4118_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn lane the whole wdistance to get across).mp4
12/23/2023 8:27 AM 18855541 20231223_07-19-50_c1_id156_file4152_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/26/2023 12:59 PM 18939221 20231226_11-54-03_c1_id161_file4155_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
12/27/2023 4:52 PM 20873873 20231227_15-48-10_c1_id162_file4156_0 (NB Driver used the WB to SB Turn lane - then stopped and went into ditch to go back).mp4
12/27/2023 5:06 PM 19481269 20231227_16-02-10_c1_id163_file4157_0 (NB Driver entered median - but then quickly exited to do it correctly).mp4
12/29/2023 10:06 AM 18558765 20231229_09-00-23_c1_id167_file4161_0 (NB Driver entered median - but then quickly exited to do it correctly).mp4
12/31/2023 4:15 PM 19815757 20231231_15-11-02_c1_id168_file4162_0 (NB Driver used the entire WB to SB Turn Lane and did U-Turn to get across).mp4
1/1/2024 1:29 AM 18769933 20240101_00-18-49_c1_id169_file4163_0 (SB Driver used the EB to NB turn lane the whole distance to get across).mp4
1/14/2024 12:32 PM 18769061 20240114_11-27-59_c1_id178_file4172_0 (NB Driver used the entire WB to SB Turn Lane and did U-Turn to get across).mp4
1/17/2024 12:42 PM 15932505 20240117_11-38-12_c1_id179_file4173_0 (SB Driver used the entire EB to NB Turn Lane and did U-Turn to get across).mp4
1/26/2024 10:18 AM 18889757 20240126_09-10-38_c1_id189_file4183_0.mp4
2/4/2024 12:15 PM 16147813 20240204_11-11-08_c1_id19_file4202_0.mp4
2/10/2024 1:47 PM 19370385 20240210_12-41-47_c1_id20_file4203_0.mp4
2/17/2024 11:13 AM 19191781 20240217_10-10-08_c1_id24_file4207_0.mp4
2/18/2024 8:39 PM 19127857 20240218_19-32-56_c1_id25_file4208_0.mp4
2/23/2024 11:25 AM 21989121 20240223_10-21-08_c1_id26_file4209_0.mp4
2/27/2024 9:46 AM 17038133 20240227_08-42-30_c1_id27_file4209_0.mp4
2/27/2024 9:46 AM 3873413 20240227_08-45-00_c1_id28_file4211_0.mp4
2/28/2024 3:14 PM 18559157 20240228_14-10-05_c1_id29_file4211_0.mp4
3/1/2024 8:27 AM 19316977 20240301_07-22-09_c1_id30_file4212_0.mp4
3/2/2024 1:05 PM 20400137 20240302_12-02-22_c1_id31_file4213_0.mp4
3/3/2024 10:50 AM 21595413 20240303_09-46-58_c1_id32_file4214_0.mp4
3/22/2024 9:34 AM 19524813 20240322_09-29-41_c1_id3_file4228_0.mp4
3/24/2024 11:50 PM 18971877 20240324_23-43-35_c1_id5_file4230_0.mp4
3/25/2024 8:11 AM 19987313 20240325_08-05-58_c1_id6_file4231_0.mp4
3/26/2024 11:58 AM 21838425 20240326_11-55-06_c1_id8_file4233_0.mp4
3/26/2024 12:17 PM 21393241 20240326_12-13-47_c1_id9_file4234_0.mp4
3/29/2024 7:13 AM 19061213 20240329_07-07-16_c1_id10_file4235_0.mp4
3/31/2024 12:37 PM 21305493 20240331_12-09-01_c1_id11_file4236_0.mp4
4/1/2024 8:26 AM 20775125 20240401_08-21-22_c1_id13_file4238_0.mp4
4/2/2024 9:05 AM 20828573 20240402_09-00-33_c1_id14_file4239_0.mp4
4/3/2024 2:30 AM 18167589 20240403_02-22-47_c1_id15_file4240_0.mp4
4/10/2024 10:38 AM 19006125 20240410_10-32-02_c1_id17_file4242_0.mp4
4/12/2024 10:23 AM 21156569 20240412_10-18-24_c1_id7_file4245_0.mp4
4/13/2024 9:56 AM 18897517 20240413_09-41-09_c1_id8_file4246_0.mp4
4/13/2024 12:17 PM 20806129 20240413_12-00-04_c1_id9_file4247_0.mp4
4/13/2024 1:05 PM 21696037 20240413_12-39-40_c1_id10_file4248_0.mp4
4/16/2024 6:07 PM 20747885 20240416_17-39-00_c1_id11_file4249_0.mp4
4/20/2024 2:14 PM 19437705 20240420_14-00-21_c1_id14_file4252_0.mp4
4/25/2024 6:12 PM 20950485 20240425_17-43-34_c1_id15_file4253_0.mp4
5/5/2024 3:43 PM 19007313 20240505_15-25-31_c1_id22_file4260_0.mp4
5/10/2024 5:16 PM 20932601 20240510_16-47-02_c1_id26_file4264_0.mp4
5/18/2024 6:47 PM 20473933 20240518_18-41-09_c1_id27_file4265_0.mp4
5/22/2024 6:37 PM 19680261 20240522_18-25-59_c1_id1_file4274_0.mp4
5/23/2024 7:11 AM 19293197 20240523_07-03-06_c1_id2_file4275_0.mp4
5/24/2024 10:00 AM 18977681 20240524_09-55-16_c1_id4_file4277_0.mp4
5/25/2024 1:57 PM 19579609 20240525_13-06-16_c1_id5_file4278_0.mp4
5/25/2024 5:05 PM 20320825 20240525_16-48-10_c1_id6_file4279_0.mp4
5/26/2024 4:02 PM 20592377 20240526_15-29-45_c1_id7_file4280_0.mp4
5/26/2024 4:55 PM 19962305 20240526_16-34-21_c1_id8_file4281_0.mp4
5/29/2024 1:26 PM 20290617 20240529_13-20-28_c1_id10_file4283_0.mp4
5/31/2024 4:36 AM 19196281 20240531_04-26-47_c1_id11_file4284_0.mp4
6/11/2024 3:55 PM 17373269 20240611_15-44-08_c1_id16_file4289_0.mp4
6/12/2024 12:55 PM 20536281 20240612_12-22-52_c1_id17_file4290_0.mp4
6/16/2024 9:46 AM 20477325 20240616_09-40-56_c1_id19_file4292_0.mp4
6/19/2024 10:30 AM 18814121 20240619_10-25-13_c1_id21_file4294_0.mp4
6/19/2024 10:50 PM 16916749 20240619_22-41-09_c1_id22_file4295_0.mp4
7/2/2024 1:00 PM 18634241 20240702_12-55-01_c1_id28_file4301_0.mp4
7/2/2024 2:07 PM 19394877 20240702_14-01-39_c1_id29_file4302_0.mp4
7/4/2024 7:12 PM 19181689 20240704_19-08-38_c1_id32_file4305_0.mp4
7/6/2024 12:20 PM 19464409 20240706_12-14-32_c1_id35_file4308_0.mp4
7/6/2024 7:52 PM 19552213 20240706_19-48-37_c1_id36_file4309_0.mp4
7/14/2024 12:05 PM 19256917 20240714_11-59-17_c1_id40_file4313_0.mp4
7/14/2024 1:34 PM 19510897 20240714_13-28-57_c1_id41_file4314_0.mp4
7/16/2024 9:31 AM 19840485 20240716_09-25-27_c1_id43_file4316_0.mp4
7/18/2024 1:48 AM 17860089 20240718_01-39-24_c1_id44_file4317_0.mp4
7/18/2024 12:24 PM 18986717 20240718_12-19-20_c1_id45_file4318_0.mp4
7/21/2024 6:05 PM 19630045 20240721_17-59-51_c1_id47_file4320_0.mp4
7/27/2024 10:24 AM 19572221 20240727_10-19-02_c1_id49_file4322_0.mp4
8/2/2024 12:09 PM 18678473 20240802_12-04-01_c1_id5_file4328_0.mp4
8/2/2024 3:01 PM 20155613 20240802_14-56-43_c1_id6_file4329_0.mp4
8/3/2024 1:29 PM 19397809 20240803_13-23-03_c1_id1_file4330_0.mp4
8/4/2024 6:49 PM 19016381 20240804_18-43-04_c1_id2_file4331_0.mp4
8/6/2024 3:31 AM 19262801 20240806_03-21-45_c1_id3_file4332_0.mp4
8/6/2024 12:26 PM 19323597 20240806_12-22-21_c1_id4_file4333_0.mp4
8/7/2024 4:13 PM 19263593 20240807_16-07-45_c1_id6_file4335_0.mp4
8/7/2024 7:42 PM 19531469 20240807_19-37-31_c1_id7_file4336_0.mp4
8/8/2024 10:24 PM 18589417 20240808_22-15-35_c1_id8_file4337_0.mp4
8/10/2024 9:10 AM 19396345 20240810_09-04-21_c1_id10_file4339_0.mp4
8/21/2024 10:47 PM 18485481 20240821_22-39-46_c1_id23_file4352_0.mp4
8/22/2024 10:01 AM 19339337 20240822_09-56-18_c1_id1_file4353_0.mp4
8/24/2024 2:19 PM 18888377 20240824_14-13-29_c1_id2_file4354_0.mp4
8/29/2024 4:37 PM 20013409 20240829_16-33-11_c1_id5_file4357_0.mp4
8/30/2024 9:24 AM 18210837 20240830_09-18-09_c1_id7_file4359_0.mp4
8/31/2024 7:57 AM 18981881 20240831_07-50-56_c1_id8_file4360_0.mp4
8/31/2024 6:27 PM 18805205 20240831_18-21-16_c1_id9_file4361_0.mp4
9/1/2024 12:28 AM 18358061 20240901_00-18-42_c1_id10_file4362_0.mp4
9/2/2024 11:47 AM 19214949 20240902_11-41-56_c1_id14_file4364_0.mp4
9/3/2024 6:34 PM 19473069 20240903_18-29-26_c1_id15_file4365_0.mp4
9/5/2024 11:55 AM 19659077 20240905_11-49-38_c1_id16_file4366_0.mp4
9/5/2024 2:00 PM 19527985 20240905_13-54-53_c1_id17_file4367_0.mp4
9/5/2024 6:22 PM 17136953 20240905_18-17-46_c1_id18_file4368_0.mp4
9/6/2024 10:05 AM 19992165 20240906_09-59-55_c1_id19_file4369_0.mp4
9/7/2024 7:59 AM 18738513 20240907_07-52-51_c1_id21_file4371_0.mp4
11/6/2023 9:11 AM <dir> Events Prior to Construction of 2023
2/15/2023 6:56 AM <dir> Known False Alarms