utilities.iowadot.gov - /Willys Misc FTP Folder/Wrong Way Driving Videos - Statewide/Woodbury County/2019_12_07 I-29 at Wesley Pkwy/

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2/25/2021 3:52 PM 2765038 2019_12_07 I-29 at Wesley Pkwy.pdf
2/25/2021 3:52 PM 2789400 2019_12_07 I-29 at Wesley Pkwy.snag
2/25/2021 3:52 PM 96357 Crash Report 1150351.pdf
2/25/2021 3:52 PM 379904 FW Wrong Way Driver I-29 Woodbury County Incident #113146 (12719).msg
2/25/2021 3:52 PM 398344 Keloland News Story.pdf
2/25/2021 3:52 PM 1761304 Key Locations.snag
2/25/2021 3:55 PM 230242701 SCTV09-2019-12-07_06h25min40s000ms.mp4
2/25/2021 3:55 PM 3685017 SCTV10 Point of Entry Clipped.mp4
2/25/2021 3:59 PM 248285682 SCTV10-2019-12-07_06h25min40s000ms.mp4
2/25/2021 3:59 PM 1564990 SCTV19 WWD leading up to crash.mp4
2/25/2021 4:00 PM 118618376 SCTV19-2019-12-07_06h25min40s000ms.mp4
2/25/2021 4:04 PM 315980517 SCTV20-2019-12-07_06h25min40s000ms.mp4
2/25/2021 4:07 PM 218263351 SCTV26-2019-12-07_06h25min40s000ms.mp4