utilities.iowadot.gov - /Willys Misc FTP Folder/Wrong Way Driving Videos from US 30/062 4-21-17 DOT Drive/Original Videos/

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8/18/2020 11:15 AM 63455 AMTV 19 (1).jpg
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 69979 AMTV 19 (2).jpg
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 140081 AMTV 19 Day Light Camera View to the East.jpg
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 182815 AMTV 19.jpg
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 10448001 AMTV19--2017_04_16_05_29_09-2017_04_16_05_29_56.mov
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 8929232 AMTV19--2017_04_16_05_31_18-2017_04_16_05_31_57.mov
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 19968 Thumbs.db
8/18/2020 11:15 AM 20947 WWD 62.wlmp